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جديد مواضيع منتديات بيت العرب الجزائري

القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-19, 03:21 PM   #1
يارا كارم

العضوية رقم : 12202
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 26
الإقامة : القاهرة
المشاركات : 145
بمعدل : 0.14 يوميا
الوظيفة : معلمة
نقاط التقييم : 10
يارا كارم is on a distinguished road
يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Receive Your store in H Mall

Spaces and types of units in H Mall
The space was one of the important things that the developer was keen on being present in the project in the best way because the space in it when taken care of makes the place more integrated and makes it more different from other projects.

The developer of H Mall New Capital allocated a space of ​​4511 square meters, which is not a small space, and was able to add many important engineering details to it, including the design that allows the best use of the space in order to have many units with very diverse spaces.

One of the things that should be mentioned about H Mall New Capital is that it has maintained that there should be a large percentage of the place for green spaces and clear distances, as well as the facilities surrounding the unit, which works to increase the quality of the place and the extent of the advantages you get in it.

Only 30% is the construction percentage in H Mall New Capital, which is divided into units of different sizes, including the following:

Administrative unit space starts from 36 m² up to 67 m² in H Project.
As for the commercial units, they start from 32 m² up to 77 m².
This has changed many of the advantages that have been worked on in the place to be better and easier for customers to conduct their business there.

H Mall units prices
Prices are one of the important things that customers are definitely looking for in H Mall New Capital, and their difference and consistency with the existing economic situation increases its competitiveness and investor appetite for the project.

The developer explained that the administrative units in H Mall New Capital, start at a price of 21,000 EGP per square meter. As for the commercial units, the price per square meter varies according to the floor on which the unit is located, as follows:

The price per square meter in commercial units on the ground floor starts from 113 thousand EGP.
The commercial units on the first floor start from 100,000 EGP inside H project.
In addition, the commercial units on the second floor start from 73,000 EGP per meter.
The third floor has commercial units, and the price per square meter starts from 60 thousand EGP.
There are also many offers offered by the developer company, including the crane discount, in which the prices of administrative units start from 18,500 EGP per meter, and the price per meter for commercial units starts from 58,500 EGP after discounting the launch.

Payment systems in the distinguished H Mall
There are many important details in H Project New Capital, which the company took care of in order to create a distinctive mall that fits with the development in New Administrative Capital, and indeed it was able to provide in it many payment and reservation systems that make it easier for you to own an integrated unit in H Mall.

The payment systems offered by New Event in H Mall New Capital are:

The customer can pay a 10% downpayment of the unit value and pay the rest of the amount over a full 6 years.
The customer can pay a 15% downpayment of the unit price and pay the rest over 7 years.
In addition, the customer can pay 20% of the unit price and pay the rest of the amount over 8 years.
In the event that the customer paid a 50% downpayment for the unit, the rest of the amount will be paid over a year, and a 30% downpayment of the unit value will be deducted.
If he pays the total unit price in cash, he will get a discount of up to 35% of the unit value.
When paying 25% of the unit value and installments the rest over 3 years, there is a discount on the unit price amounting to 25% of the unit value.
There is also a system that enables you to pay 20% of the unit value and pay the rest over 4 years and enjoy a discount of up to 20% of the unit value.
There are many distinctive details in the place, including that it also offers fully finished units in the project, which have all the finishing works, and many other advantages, and all you have to do now is to contact us to get your distinctive unit.


يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Receive Your store in H Mall
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الساعة الآن 01:34 PM

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