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القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-21, 02:04 AM   #1
نردين احمد

العضوية رقم : 12206
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 34
المشاركات : 346
بمعدل : 0.35 يوميا
نقاط التقييم : 10
نردين احمد is on a distinguished road
نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Units With Area of 255 m² For Reservation in Senet 3 Mall New Capital

Senet 3 Mall

Senet 3 Mall New Administrative Capital
Concept Real Estate Development Company has launched Senet 3 New Capital Mall in a strategic location in the New Administrative Capital, in the Downtown area, in particular, it is a distinguished commercial and administrative project for anyone looking for a good investment opportunity in the heart of the capital. The building includes a large number of shops and administrative offices with amazing engineering designs, in addition to the availability of a range of high-end services and exceptional features that meet all the needs and requirements of customers and investors in Senet 3 New Capital Mall.

The real estate developer has been keen to offer competitive prices and a variety of payment systems to choose the most appropriate among them. So, do not hesitate and start your new project now in Senet Mall 3, the administrative capital; Where sophistication, luxury, and creativity at the same time.

All you need to know about the cheapest compound in the administrative capital

Senet 3 New Capital Mall location
In order to take advantage of the privileged location that is unique to Senet 3 Mall, the New Administrative Capital; Take advantage of the golden opportunity and book your unit now!

Senet 3 mall is located in a special place in the heart of the New Administrative Capital in the Down Town area in plot MU2-46 specifically, and it is a short distance from the oil companies and People's Square, and it is 30 minutes away from the New Administrative Capital by car, and the distance between it and the Green River does not exceed minutes, In addition, Senet 3 Mall is close to computer companies, the Mosque of Egypt, and a number of famous malls such as; Ainz Tower and Capital Dubai Mall.

Senet 3 project borders on the western side of the Cultural Park; Which provides great views of the different units inside, as it is close to the Monorail station and the Bin Zayed axis, making it easy to move to and from it.

Design of Senet 3 Mall Administrative Capital
Concept Real Estate Development Company has provided enough space to establish a distinctive architectural edifice, it has taken care that the green spaces occupy the largest part of them in order to provide beautiful landscapes that provide attractive views of all the units in Senet 3 Mall in the New Administrative Capital, in addition to the project's uniqueness with impressive engineering designs that attract the attention of many customers and investors with high taste.

Senet 3 consists of a ground floor and 10 upper floors, as well as two floors designated for underground garages. The following is an explanation of the division of units on the different floors:

There are two underground garage floors in Senet 3.
The floors from the ground to the third include shops, which number 25 units on each floor in Senet 3 New Capital Mall.
The fourth to the ninth floors contain 26 administrative offices on each floor.
The last floor contains 13 administrative units with private spaces inside Senet 3 Mall.

نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Units With Area of 255 m² For Reservation in Senet 3 Mall New Capital
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