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القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-19, 10:31 AM   #1
سيرين سعيد

العضوية رقم : 12203
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 27
الإقامة : مصر
المشاركات : 210
بمعدل : 0.21 يوميا
الوظيفة : مدخل بيانات
نقاط التقييم : 10
سيرين سعيد is on a distinguished road
سيرين سعيد غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Take The Opportunity in Get A Large Office With 433 Meters In Genesis Tower

Genesis Tower New Capital

Genesis Tower, Administrative Capital
One of the recent launches of New Jersey Real Estate is Genesis Tower Project in the new administrative capital. The project has already been worked on, and there are many advantages that are definitely in the interest of the client and provide him with more than an important opportunity for development and progress in various fields.

In addition, there are many important things that the developer of Genesis Tower New Capital has taken into account, including the important location and proximity to the monorail station, as well as the large area that the design of the place came to complement and distinguish it because the design added to the space more development and beauty.

There are more than one type of unit with various areas and wonderful finishing systems that suit the customer's taste, as well as many different services that contribute to the place being of great beauty, and here are the rest of the details of Genesis Mall in the new capital in the following paragraphs ... Follow us

Learn in detail about shops for sale in the new administrative capital

Genesis Tower Mall location
The stunning location is close to several important places and accessed by many main axes that will increase the extent of excellence in the place, all this and more are now available to you in Genesis Tower project in the Administrative Capital.

Genesis Tower in the New Capital is one of the distinctive projects in the city, for which an important location was chosen in the place specified in the Downtown area, which is the most famous in the Administrative Capital, this area has been allocated to be the headquarters of major commercial and administrative projects and provides many features and services that are definitely in the interest of the investor.

One of the things that a successful investor is looking for is that his project is located close to main streets and surrounded by a high population density because it is one of the ingredients that help in the success of the project, so the New Jersey company was a successful choice in the construction of this great architectural edifice in the Downtown area Located in the best places of the capital.

Vital and important places near Genesis Mall, the Administrative Capital:

Genesis Tower New Capital is located in the back of the Tourist Towers area, specifically in the Downtown plot "Mu5-17/18".
Genesis Tower project overlooks more than one direction in the capital, as it is located on a street with a width of 75 meters.
The mall is located near the promenade and shopping district of the capital.
The customer can reach Genesis Tower Project in the new administrative capital through the new monorail station that connects the place and more than one area in the city.
There are many important places close to Genesis Tower in the New Administrative Capital, including the famous Al-Massa Hotel, which has a unique view of Genesis Tower.
Genesis Tower Mall in the New Administrative Capital is a few steps away from the central train.
In addition, the tower is not far from the iconic tower, which is one of the tallest towers in Africa within Genesis Tower, the new administrative capital.
As for the projects near the mall, they are several, including Business Park, the Administrative Capital, and Biadija, the Capital.
Reaching the mall has become easier as a result of its proximity to several areas in the capital.
Your comprehensive guide to the cheapest compound in the Administrative Capital

The architectural design of Genesis Mall, Administrative Capital
The architectural design of the mall came as one of the important advantages of the project, which gives it more beautiful and different from its eyes in the capital. One of the important elements of attracting investment is that the project has an engineering design and internal divisions that allow the customer to get what he wants depending on the type of activity that the mall performs Genesis Tower, the new administrative capital.

Genesis Tower Administrative Capital project has provided many types of units, including commercial and administrative units, as well as medical and hotel apartments. The tower is characterized by its great interest in finishes and interior decorations that will make the place different from the rest of the towers in the city.

سيرين سعيد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Take The Opportunity in Get A Large Office With 433 Meters In Genesis Tower
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