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القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-19, 03:21 AM   #1
نردين احمد

العضوية رقم : 12206
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 34
المشاركات : 346
بمعدل : 0.35 يوميا
نقاط التقييم : 10
نردين احمد is on a distinguished road
نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Own Store in Elevado Tower New Capital From 185 m²

Elevado Mall Administrative Capital services
There is more than one advantage of Elevado Tower, the Administrative Capital, including that it is located in an important location, and also a large area, as well as the services and facilities in the project, are considered one of the advantages in it because it makes the customer reside in a place he is satisfied with and provides him with many services.

Services play a key role in facilitating the movement of visitors, as well as in the ease of managing the unit, as well as a number of important matters that contribute greatly to the fact that the place is truly unique and contains many important details that a successful investor needs.

The most important services in Elevado Mall, the administrative capital:

Elevado Mall New Administrative Capital includes an integrated security system that works around the clock to preserve the security of the project and the property of its employees and visitors as well.
There are also many surveillance cameras that work around the clock and also monitor all movements in the place, and this increases the safety of Elevado Mall New Capital.
The developing company made sure that the place includes many advanced technological systems that allow the customer to get more ease in practicing his work within Elevado Mall New Administrative Capital.
One of the important things about the mall is that it includes garages with a large spaces for parking and maintaining the general appearance of the project without crowding.
In addition, there are many central air conditioners that keep the place moderately hot inside Elevado Mall New Capital.
In addition, there are conference and seminar rooms equipped with the best modern equipment that allows major conferences to be held in the place.
In Elevado Tower, the Administrative Capital, there are resting places, some of which are for visitors, and some are for workers.
There are also many elevators and escalators that help visitors to reach all parts of the mall easily.
In addition to the presence of a fire extinguishing system that works around the clock in the event of any emergency.
Elevado Mall includes a number of various restaurants and cafes that provide excellent services to those in the mall.
There is a central shower and fast internet services that help in managing your business better.
Elevado Mall New Capital includes reception offices to communicate with visitors and respond to any inquiries.
All this has been added to maintenance teams working around the clock to keep the mall in top condition.

The architectural design of Elevado Mall, the administrative capital
The architectural design located in Elevado Tower, the Administrative Capital, is distinctive and contains more than one important detail that helps the customer get a great deal of comfort while working inside the mall, and it is also easier for visitors to move.

The construction of Elevado project was supervised by many senior consultants and architects in order to come out of the genre in this distinctive way and be one of the most famous projects in the new capital, the designs were followed by the distinctive European character, which has many different things, including the glass facades, insulating any potential noise, but making you enjoy the breathtaking view around Elevado.

The developer of Elevado Tower Project in the new capital has also settled that the project will consist of a ground floor followed by 10 repeating floors, and also took care that the construction area is not large and allocate larger areas for landscaping and facilities in Elevado Tower project.

There are many spaces in the project, as well as a number of units of various types, including commercial, administrative, and medical, and there is more than one space, and this positively returns to the place because it increases the demand for investors in Elevado.

نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Own Store in Elevado Tower New Capital From 185 m²
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الساعة الآن 06:28 AM

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