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جديد مواضيع منتديات بيت العرب الجزائري

القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-21, 04:23 AM   #1
يارا كارم

العضوية رقم : 12202
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 26
الإقامة : القاهرة
المشاركات : 145
بمعدل : 0.13 يوميا
الوظيفة : معلمة
نقاط التقييم : 10
يارا كارم is on a distinguished road
يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي For Sale with Installment A clinic 125m in Axess Medical Hub

Prices and payment systems at
Axess Medical Hub Project
Do not think too much and get a distinguished medical unit around which there is everything you need and more in the most luxurious malls in the heart of New Cairo!

Axess Medical Hub Fifth Settlement includes many luxurious units that have innovative designs and perfect decorations, and they also have a variety of spaces so that the customer can choose from among them what suits his taste and desires, and their prices are suitable for a large segment of investors and entrepreneurs and do not compare to the extent of luxury and services they receive can be explained by the following:

The price per square meter for Axess Medical Hub medical units and clinics starts from 50,000 EGP.
The price per square meter for shops starts from 110,000 EGP.
As for the payment systems available within Axess Medical Hub; The executing company of the project announced flexible and convenient payment methods for the convenience of customers, as follows:

The customer pays a 5% downpayment of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 5 years.
The customer pays a 10% downpayment of the unit value and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 6 years.
The customer pays a 15% downpayment of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments within 7 years.
The customer pays a maintenance deposit of 10% of the unit value, and all units will be delivered during the year 2025.
For more details about Axess Medical Hub New Cairo; Connect with us!

Brief on the real estate developer of Axesss Medical Hub New Cairo
Incept Development is a promising company that is an alliance of 4 important companies who have distinguished work in the medical, real estate, and design fields, they are:

Nile Urban Development Company.
Space Consultants Dr. Medhat Al Doraa.
Avenues Development.
El Nada Hospital.
In pursuit of providing all amenities to its customers; Axess Medical Hub has implemented the Fifth Settlement in an attractive strategic location in the heart of New Cairo near the main roads and axes that make the process of moving to and from it easily and convenient, as well as the availability of many services and advantages inside, which meet the different needs and requirements of customers and investors.

يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: For Sale with Installment A clinic 125m in Axess Medical Hub
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