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القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-22, 01:40 AM   #1
نردين احمد

العضوية رقم : 12206
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 34
المشاركات : 346
بمعدل : 0.35 يوميا
نقاط التقييم : 10
نردين احمد is on a distinguished road
نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Own your unit now in Sia Villaggio with great prices, various payment systems, and sp

Sia Villaggio resort

The unique features of Sia Villaggio North Coast
Sia Villaggio is considered one of the best projects located in the heart of North Coast in El Alamein city, which has many different features, which made it the focus of the attention of many clients and investors, and these advantages are as follows:

The strategic location of Sia Villaggio is one of the most important features of Sia Villaggio, as it is close to the most important roads and main axes, and it is also a short distance from the vital areas.
The large space of ​​Sia Villaggio Resort is also one of the most important advantages, which includes vast green spaces that give the place psychological comfort.
The design of the large water bodies is world class which makes them look great.
A mosque was built on a huge space, designed in the Islamic style, and sufficient for the largest number of worshipers to perform the obligatory prayers.
Huge garages under the residential units, which are sufficient for the largest number of cars, in order to prevent overcrowding and crowding.
Within Sia Villaggio, there are large parks and beautifully designed gardens that give comfort and help you to relax.
Establishing a distinguished system for the disposal of garbage and waste, and the recycling of what is good for the community.
Sia Villaggio relies on the solar energy system in order to rationalize the consumption of electricity and prevent harmful radiation.
For young children, a special area has been designated for them that includes all the games suitable for their age.
The residential units are of different sizes so that customers have the freedom to choose the most suitable for them.
Spacious electric elevators that facilitate the movement of the upper medicine without suffering from fatigue.
On the beachfront, a special area has been designated for the service facilities to sit and enjoy the sunshine and the dazzling sea view.
Inside Sia Villaggio, a distinctive infrastructure has been designed that includes all the basic services, including electricity, natural gas, and sewage.
Distinguished maintenance services have also been assigned within Sia Villaggio to maintain the property and repair any faults to provide an incomparable living life.
From here, you can be sure that Sia Villaggio is your ideal place that provides you with a unique living environment and an unparalleled summer vacation, so book now…!

The space of Sia Villaggio Arab Holding
Sia Villaggio North Coast is one of the distinctive tourist projects that have many advantages, which attracted many investors and customers, the real estate company was keen to build it with a huge space to include the largest amount of landscapes and integrated services in addition to the different units that vary in terms of spaces and types, Which enables customers to choose the most suitable for them.

The units within Sia Villaggio North Coast are also different, as they include twin houses, and villas, and each of them has different spaces, so that customers have the freedom to choose the most suitable for them, and the spaces are as follows:

Twin houses within Sia: spaces start from 102 square meters.
As for the villa units in Sia Villaggio Resort: their space starts from 204 square meters.

نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Own your unit now in Sia Villaggio with great prices, various payment systems, and sp
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