Missing You
As I lOok dÖwn the hall,
And I see yOur face,
I know that in my heart,
SOmething is Out of place.
Day after day gOes by,
But the pain never goes away,
Our anguish the price Of a crime,
A price tOo high tO pay.
It is unbearable tO see,
YÖur unhappy days,
YÖur tear brimmed eyes,
Filled with pain fOr me,
When I used tO be able tO help you,
In sO many ways.
I knOw Our friendship,
Is fOrbidden,
But I still miss you,
It dOes nOt ease,
My heavy heart,
A burden.
I hOpe yÖu miss me,
As much as I miss you.
But there's a wall between us,
And it seems there's nothing we can dO.
My heart is torn,
Please try tO understand,
I want tO be there fOr you,
But I cannOt be
A shoulder tO cry On
A cOmfOrting hand.
But I beg Of you,
Please listen tO me,
No matter what obstacles,
Are in the way,
I am always here fOr thee.