The Past Continuous Tense is
استخدام زمن الماضى المستمر :
1- It indicates that an action was going on at a time when something else more important and more dramatic happened.
. يدل على حدث كان مستمرا في الماضي ثم قطعه حدث اخر.
While he was playing football he
fell down
بينما هو يلعب الكرة ، وقع .
As I was walking in the street, a car mounted the pavement and crashed into a shop.
بينما كنت أمشى فى الشارع ، علت السيارة الرصيف و اصطدمت بالمحل .
يتكون الماضى المستمر من :
I, He, She, It was + verb + ing
We, You, They were+ verb +ing
يتكون الزمن من :
الفعل ( was / were + (ing + الفاعل
2- Two or more actions were in progress at
the same time.
حدثان او اكثر كانا مستمرين في نفس الوقت فيكون الحدثان في الماضي المستمر متوازيين
While he was reading the
book, his wife was *****ng.
بينما كنت أقرأ الكتاب , كانت زوجته تطبخ
فى حالة النفى :
He was not playing
We were not working in the
morning .
فى حالة السؤال :
When was it raining yesterday ?
It was raining in the evening yesterday .
Where were they swimming ?
They were swimming in the sea .
يتكون السؤال فى زمن الماضى المستمر :
باقى الجملة + الفعل (ing ) + الفاعل + الفعل المساعد(was / were ) + آداة الاستفهام
what were you doing this morning ?
اذا كان السؤال اجابته نعم أو لا فان تكوينه كالتالى :
باقى الجملة + الفعل (ing ) + الفاعل + الفعل المساعد (was / were )
was he playing ?
هناك كلمات وعبارات داله على الماضي الستمر
As, while, When, Just as
As he was studying, his friend came.
While he was reading, the bell rang.
Dr. Ahmed was giving his lecture, when the dean entered.
Exercise :
put the verb in the correct form :
1- I ......... supper at 7 o` clock yesterday . ( eat )
2-Ali .......... to school when he met his uncle . ( go )
3- We............... television at 5 o`clock yesterday evening . ( watch )
Write the nigative :
1- Sara was playing tennis when her brother broke his lig .
2- As they were swimming in the sea , Ahmed saw a big fish .
Rearrange :
1- were - at - 6 - yesterday - What - o`clock - morning - you - doing - this - ?
هذه بعض الكلمات التى ينبغى عليكى حفظها :
breakfast طعام الإفطار
lunch طعام الغذاء
supper طعام العشاء
meal وجبة
restaurant مطعم
pavement رصيف
fruit juice عصير فواكه
lemon juice عصير ليمون
orange juice عصير برتقال
plums برقوق
pears كمثرى