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القسم العام

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قديم 2022-08-03, 01:23 AM   #1
خالد نجم

العضوية رقم : 12198
التسجيل : Feb 2022
العمر : 33
الإقامة : مصر
المشاركات : 4,614
بمعدل : 4.24 يوميا
الوظيفة : لا يوجد
نقاط التقييم : 10
خالد نجم is on a distinguished road
خالد نجم غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي West Gate Mall October

West Gate Mall October

Own Your Unit Inside West Gate Mall October And Enjoy The Finest Integrated Services At Great Prices

Are you seeking a location to house your clinic, business, or office? You won’t find a better one than West Gate Mall, which offers a calm and comfortable environment free of noise and pollution, as well as amenities that may help you relax.

The real estate developer wanted to be near the main roadways and significant axes such as the 6th of October University and the 26th of July Corridor, therefore they chose a prominent position in the 6th of October City. The project covers a big area and contains a considerable number of commercial, medical, and administrative units. It is distinguished by its diversified area, which caters to a wide range of preferences.

Appropriate prices were provided to all customers and convenient payment systems were set up with the installment service so that each customer finds what suits them according to their financial capabilities.

Seize the opportunity and book your unit inside October West Gate and enjoy luxury and high-end life.

West Gate Mall 6th Of October Location
West Gate project, which is located in the center of the 6th of October City, was chosen by Gates Real Estate Development Company as a distinctive location. It is conveniently positioned near major highways and axes, making it one of the most appealing attractions for customers and investors.

The locations most essential feature:

It is located directly on the 26th of July axis.
University of the 6th of October is close by.
Wadi Degla Sports Club is only a short distance away.
The project is located near the Mall of Arabia and the Mall of Egypt.
The 6th of October Club is close by.
The 6th of October Hospital is only a short distance away.
Family Mall and Dolphin Mall are both close to the project.

خالد نجم غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: West Gate Mall October
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