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جديد مواضيع منتديات بيت العرب الجزائري

القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-21, 04:56 AM   #1
نردين احمد

العضوية رقم : 12206
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 34
المشاركات : 346
بمعدل : 0.35 يوميا
نقاط التقييم : 10
نردين احمد is on a distinguished road
نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي Special offer on the meter price with finishing in Oxygen Medical Tower Mall New Capi

Oxygen Medical Mall

Installment systems available in Oxygen Medical Mall, the new capital
The installment systems offered by Enwan for Real Estate Development have varied in order to give a great opportunity to anyone who wants to start a new and distinctive project in the New Capital, so it has offered more than one flexible installment system that suits all abilities for people with high taste

Pay 5% of the total unit price as a down payment, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in installments over 6 years, in equal installments without interest.
The customer can also pay a 10% down payment of the total unit price, and the rest of the unit price is to be paid in installments over 7 years, in equal installments.
The customer pays a 20% down payment and the rest in installments over 8 years, in equal installments and without interest.
The customer can also pay 30% in advance, and pay the rest of the unit value over 9 years in equal installments without interest.
Oxygen Medical Tower developer and his most important previous works
Enwan for Real Estate Development Company is one of the largest real estate development companies in Egypt and the Middle East, and it is the owner of the mall Oxygen Medical Administrative Capital is this great edifice of world renown, and the projects of Enwan Company are distinguished by sophistication and innovation, and the selection of engineering and architectural designs is one of the most important features of the company.

The title company has previous successes in building many residential compounds all over Egypt, which is famous for its technological progress, wonderful views, and excellent designs in the real estate development market in Egypt and the Arab world, Where it be*** to present projects that enjoy sophistication, and one of its goals was to progress to reach the top with its efforts in implementing projects that surpass the beauty and achieve technological development in their societies.

It also hired a group of other companies with international specialists in the fields of design, construction, and technology. The company built the largest innovative projects characterized by innovation and obtained

ISO9001 certification in after-sales service.
Member of the Real Estate Development Chamber and the Real Estate Developers Association.
Among their most important previous works

Panorama Narges project in the Fifth Settlement.
New Lotus project, Fifth Settlement.
Mini Compound Palmers Residence, Fifth Settlement.
Oxygen Medical Tower New Capital.
Narges Palace, Fifth Settlement.
Implementation of more than 250 housing units in Lotus, Andalusia, Banafseg, and Gardenia Heights.
Supervising three industrial buildings in the cities of Obour and Badr.

نردين احمد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: Special offer on the meter price with finishing in Oxygen Medical Tower Mall New Capi
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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الساعة الآن 06:19 AM

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