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جديد مواضيع منتديات بيت العرب الجزائري

القسم العام

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قديم 2022-09-21, 08:28 AM   #1
يارا كارم

العضوية رقم : 12202
التسجيل : Mar 2022
العمر : 26
الإقامة : القاهرة
المشاركات : 145
بمعدل : 0.15 يوميا
الوظيفة : معلمة
نقاط التقييم : 10
يارا كارم is on a distinguished road
يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً
معلومات الإتصال :
افتراضي For Sale with Installment A store in Westin Park Tower

Westin Park Tower New Administrative Capital
The presence in the capital has more than one important advantage, one of which is that you are in a developed place with more than one important detail, and this is what Emtelak Development realized when choosing the capital to be the seat of the construction of its first projects in New Capital, and this is due to the city’s many competitive qualities, which adds many details important to the place.

Not only is the location of the project unique, on the contrary, Westin Park Tower New Capital has many important qualities that will increase your comfort and also give you many opportunities to develop your project in it.

In order to learn more about this integrated project, we will explain to you in the following paragraphs details of interest about the project ... so follow us

Westin Park Tower Project location
When you mention new cities and the development taking place in the Egyptian state, New Administrative Capital always comes to your mind. The capital is considered one of the major national projects that carry a great future between its flanks and indeed allows those in it a more luxurious and enjoyable life and also makes them feel the meaning of living in the future and enjoying everything that is new.

Being in New Capital has a different and important value that it adds to the existing projects because it grows and flourishes over time due to the many advantages that New Administrative Capital offers and more than one important ingredient for investors specifically, and this directly contributes to the customer getting all his requirements in the place.

Speaking of New Administrative Capital, we must mention the famous Downtown area, which is one of the most important areas for new investments in the capital, as well as its distinguished location and close to several important places in the city, and this helps the existing projects and supports great success chances for them.

The company that developed Westin Park Tower was able to allocate a distinctive plot of land in Downtown, specifically the first number next to the multi-use malls, and the project is located near several unique vital areas that add a lot to it.

Vital places and institutions surrounding Westin Park Tower New Capital:

Westin Park mall overlooks a spacious garden of about 5 acres, which makes the place enjoy a stunning view that pleases the onlookers.
Westin Park project is also not far from Green River Park, which is characterized by being the most spacious park in New Capital.
In addition, Westin Park project is located near the drug manufacturing area in the city.
It is located near Al Masa Hotel and the distance between them is only minutes.
As for the monorail station, which adds many advantages to the place, it is just a few minutes away.
One of the distinctive surroundings of Westin Park is that it is close to the Misr Mosque.
It is also not far from S-One Mall New Capital.
In addition, the tower is not far from the residential neighborhoods in New Capital, which makes a large population density surrounding it, and certainly, this has a great opportunity for the growth of the projects established in it.

The architectural design of Westin Park Tower New Capital
It is easy to find a place to set up your project, but it is difficult to find an integrated place that opens up new horizons for you and helps your project to flourish greatly. So, you are talking about Westin Park Tower, because it is simply a project that the developer company was able to achieve this difficult equation that provides You have everything you need and more in one place.

Here comes the role of architectural design, which is no less important than any feature or service available in Westin Park because it primarily works to make you more comfortable and enjoy a happier and more private work environment.

The design of Westin Park Tower New Capital was based on the fact that the place overlooks more than one side inside the capital, and this makes the cost of the units have a truly distinctive view, and also the shops have large facades so that the display of goods is easier.

It is distinguished in the design of Westin Park that it was designed by engineer Yasser El-Beltagy and his famous library, who specializes in the distinctive designs of various projects. In Westin Park Tower, he provided us with various features in terms of shape, design, and others, in addition to the fact that Westin Park overlooks a 90-meter-long street.

The design and division of Westin Park project were as follows:

Westin Park consists of a ground floor and 10 consecutive floors.
As for the commercial units, they are designated for the ground and first floors.
Administrative units have roles from the second to the third.
As for the rest of the roles, they are divided between administrative and medical.

يارا كارم غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: For Sale with Installment A store in Westin Park Tower
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الساعة الآن 06:33 AM

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